School-wide Learning Expectations
Responsible Citizen
Effective Communicator
Life Long Leamer
Critical Thinker

Academics Offered
- Religion
- Science
- English
- Spelling
- Computers
- Library
- PE
- Mathematics
- Social
- Studies
- Literature
- Phonics
- Art
- Music

Extracurriculars Offered
- Student Council
- Choir
- Drama
- Academic Decathlon & Pentathlon teams
- C.J.S.F.

Athletics Offered
- Soccer
- Volleyball
- Cross Country
- Basketball
- Track & Field
- Cheerleading
The activities offered each day expand your child's social skills, introduce religion, and stimulate creative potential. Our program is designed to develop early literacy skills with age-appropriate activities that will ready your child for school success. Examples of daily curriculum are posted. Students must be 2 years - 5 years.
Preschool and Preschool/Daycare sessions are available.
Top Ten Reasons To Choose St. Anthony Catholic School
- Catholic tradition, Christian values, and academic excellence in a community grounded in faith
- Balanced curriculum that includes art, music and fitness
- Emphasis on moral development, service to others and leadership skills
- A 100 percent graduation rate
- Strong preparation for further education
- Safe and disciplined environment
- Exceptional faculty who help students reach their highest potential
- Individual attention in a caring community
- Commitment to technology use to enhance education
- Good stewardship of resources